Tue, 28 Oct 1997


I would like to inquire whether banking institutions could support the activity of planting a billion trees in order to safeguard the quality of air.

Bank Indonesia backed by all banks, private and government, have supported the savings campaign in the National Savings Week in August/September for a number of years.

Related activities included visits to schools to inform students about saving, banking and government development. Competitions were held in sports, poetry reading, etc.

We hope there will be a change of activities in the near future. It will be useful to also give information on replanting programs, reforestation and planting trees on arid land. Bank Indonesia governor Sudradjad Djiwandono should see that the philosophy of replanting is similar to that underlying saving of money. Planting will yield crops, wood, fruit, etc.

The whole Indonesian population is responsible for keeping the environment clean. The tree planting project launched by the President in January 1992 has not yet reached its target. Part of the population is not aware of the project's aim and benefits.

The companies involved in burning the forests in their land clearing activities are bank customers.

State Minister for the Environment Sarwono Kusumaatmadja along with Sudradjad Djiwandono can work out a joint program to impose on companies exploiting forests to boost the government program of planting a billion trees.

