Sat, 25 Jan 1997

Rector enters political jungle

YOGYAKARTA: Rector of the prestigious Gadjah Mada University Soekanto Reksohadiprojo frowned yesterday on his students' objections to his legislative candidacy.

Soekanto told The Jakarta Post the students had the right to raise objections but he said he would not change his mind.

"The minister of education and culture has already given his blessing," he said.

Soekanto said his candidacy had nothing to do with his position as rector but with his capacity as an individual citizen.

The rector's name is on the list of legislature candidates from the ruling Golkar party to represent Yogyakarta.

The students who opposed his candidacy said it would jeopardize the university's neutrality. Besides, they said, the rector's popularity would be used by Golkar only to attract votes.

The students filed their petition with the rector Thursday. The statement was signed by Nasrullah, chairman of the student senate. (12/23)