Thu, 28 Jan 1999

Recent dialog may ease tension: Wiranto

JAKARTA (JP): Armed Forces (ABRI) Commander General Wiranto has expressed hope his recent meeting with opposition and reform leaders, including Amien Rais and Abdurrahman Wahid, will help ease tensions in the country and prevent new ones from developing.

Wiranto said on Wednesday a dialog -- "or whatever it is called" -- may be held at the national or local levels, but must involve all sectors of society. He was speaking before attending a Cabinet meeting on political affairs and security.

On Sunday, Wiranto, who is also defense minister, invited a group of public figures, including opposition leader Megawati Soekarnoputri and scholar Nurcholish Madjid, for a meeting. On the agenda, according to Abdurrahman Wahid, was the security situation, including Wiranto's conviction he knew some people behind recent outbreaks of unrest.

Wiranto said they discussed nationalism, with a focus on the reform process.

"We all have responsibilities and roles (to play). Let us carry out these roles using the same reference, which is to bring the reform process toward its goal."

The effort to come to a common stance could be realized through both local and national dialogs, he added.

"Whatever it (the dialog) is called, the most important thing is that we all agree the current situation in the country is alarming," he said.

"The violence in several parts of the country is a social problem. Do not see it as a political matter."

Communal clashes in Ambon, Maluku, last week claimed more than 55 lives.

Putting the problem in the right perspective would make it easier for security forces to solve, Wiranto added.

"We should prevent (this violence) from becoming a political problem, or from being used for certain political intentions."

Wiranto said results of his meeting with public figures must be effectively disseminated through the mass media.

"Everyone can read and respond to the (results of the meeting) easily. I highly appreciate the mass media's positive attitude toward it."

He said he also hoped the meeting would return a normal situation to the country.

"I understand that the people are worried about the recent social unrest and this is not good for the life of the nation." (prb/swe)