Tue, 15 Jul 1997

Reasonable excuse?

I am writing in reference to the letter Soccer games (July 12). The letter clearly showed that soccer is not Keith Marshall's strong point. He is not yet able to understand that there is a difference between playing "rough" and playing "dirty". Never mind, slowly but surely, he will learn something about soccer.

Keith Marshall shouldn't give in to the bizarre Pindaric flights of his imagination for swallowing the bitter morsel of the reality. He can try to twist the facts as he likes but Paul Ince must be considered the last refuse of Italian soccer. I understand that now there is the problem of saving face and trying to find a reasonable excuse for sending Ince home. Do your best Marshall!

I would like to inform him that Italian League has given, is giving and will continue to give hospitality to crowds of foreign soccer players. All of them are beloved, respected and appreciated by Italian people apart from their nationality. Of course, I am referring to the real champions who play soccer and not to those who, dressed up as soccer players, try to break their opponents' ankles and knees.

But we must acknowledge that Ince has broken a record. During his stay in Italy, he collected more yellow and red cards than the remaining Inter players put together. Since we don't need this kind of player, we sent him back to English soccer, with our best compliments of course.

