Fri, 21 Sep 2001

Reach back and give fairness a chance

While the brutality, the inhumanity and the depth of the wound leave no space for recrimination, the opportunity for drawing the hardest of lessons and reassessing of pre-attack attitudes should not be wasted by the U.S.

Expressions of solidarity have been pouring in to Washington from every corner of the world. This unprecedented show of unity and firm commitment in not only standing by the U.S. in its search and prosecution of the perpetrators, but in joining in that effort as well, is very constructive.

It should equally be an opportunity for everyone to help deal with the intensifying danger of terrorism not only against the U.S. but against the entire human civilization.

The people of the U.S. have every right to recognize the depth of their pain and anger. But the very principles on which the U.S. was built should drive it to realize that the battle against terrorism requires much more than retribution and severe military punishment. The danger now lies in allowing their anger to engulf them in the very vicious cycle where terrorism hides.

A superpower whose influence is basically decisive in managing the world's affairs should reassess how it has applied its ideals of fair-handedness and justice so that one set of standards based on international legality is applied indiscriminately to all.

-- The Jordan Times