Tue, 11 Oct 1994

Rafsanjani to visit Indonesia

JAKARTA (JP): Iranian President Hashemi Rafsanjani will arrive here Thursday for a three-day state visit, Minister/State Secretary Moerdiono announced yesterday.

During the visit, Rafsanjani will hold talks with President Soeharto on Thursday on matters of regional, bilateral and international importance, Moerdiono was quoted by the Antara news agency as saying.

Rafsanjani, who will be accompanied by his wife and a number of his cabinet ministers, including Foreign Affairs Minister Ali Akbar Velayati, will also meet with Indonesian ulemas.

On Friday, the president of the Islamic republic will join Jakartan Moslems in Friday prayer at the Istiqlal Mosque, and, later the same day, will visit the state-owned Nusantara Aircraft Industry (IPTN) in Bandung, West Java.

He will conclude his visit Saturday with a press conference and then leave Indonesia for Brunei Darussalam.

Rafsanjani's itinerary reflects Iranian requests last year for better trade ties and stronger cooperation in religious affairs and education with Indonesia.

During President Soeharto's visit to Iran late last year, the Iranian government stated its wish to have Indonesia's assistance in establishing an aircraft assembling plant which will use components from IPTN.

Iran also wanted to develop its shipbuilding industry with assistance from Indonesia.

In addition, Teheran has invited Indonesian Moslems to cooperate with their Iranian brothers in religious affairs, education and small-scale industries. (swe)