'Radio Australia'
It was a great shock to learn the Australian government has decided to shut down Radio Australia's short wavelength broadcasts in Indonesian following a very long "on air" history since 1939.
I do not mean the Indonesian media is less accurate and less satisfactory, rather I have been listening to Radio Australia and its news broadcasts since 1973 as supplementary. My principle is that Indonesian people really know where our country is going while outsiders do not. However, the Australian government's decision would surely disappoint its listeners in Indonesia.
Despite the fact that the relationship between Australia and Indonesia is sometimes very tense, for example on the East Timor issue, Radio Australia has won the hearts of its Indonesian listeners. Radio Australia has been bridging both nations in any way possible. It would be wise for the Australian government to review the decision concerning this matter. Never in history have two nations of different race, color, and religion been so well- connected due to the help of radio broadcasts despite the volatile relationship of its leaders.
More importantly, in 1973 when I was still in high school I did gain fluency and grammatical skills thanks to Radio Australia's, program English for You broadcast four times a week. My gratitude to Radio Australia is beyond words. Other listeners may share the same opinion as mine.
A.S. DEWANA Jakarta