Punish sex workers
From Neraca
I fully support the police's measures to curb the sex business and gambling activities in large cities like Jakarta, Bandung and Semarang and also in Bali. Such businesses always have a negative impact which ultimately leads to crime.
My notes show that during the last month the police have nabbed hundreds of high class comfort women who offer tariffs ranging from Rp 250,000 to Rp 500,000, or even millions of rupiah for a meeting. But I do not want the police to set the suspects free without taking their case to court. Many times a criminal is arrested but later released without trial. Some suspects are even put under house arrest because someone guaranteed that they would not flee the country.
In many cases suspects are released because there is no evidence that they committed the crimes. This gives the impression that the police can't do their job efficiently.
By mentioning this I do not mean to criticize the police but I want to present the facts.
If criminals are penalized at all, the sentence is so light that after completing their term they can resume their old business.
In this context I appeal to the law enforcing bodies to deal with crimes more seriously to check rising trend in the major cities.