Tue, 09 Sep 2003

PTDI to rehire 3,400 employees

BANDUNG: The management of aircraft maker PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) has distributed 9,650 forms to suspended employees who wish to enroll for a selection test to work for the company again.

But the company will only select 3,400 people.

PTDI's president director Muhammad Nuril Fuad said here on Monday that selection tests would be held between Sept. 23 and Oct. 3, involving academic tests and interviews.

A human resources consultant, PersoData, has been hired to manage the recruitment process, Nuril said.

So far, about 2,400 people have returned the forms.

Nuril said the tests would select employees on merit -- instead of selection based on collusion, corruption and nepotism -- and would help the company rebuild itself within five years. --Antara