Mon, 08 May 2000

Protecting rare animal species

Thank you for your recent feature articles on two of the exotic animal species found in Indonesia.

The temporary capture of a living specimen of the rare Sulawesi civet was quite remarkable. Those responsible are to be commended for documenting this unique animal, and especially for releasing it unharmed back in its native habitat.

The accompanying article describing the plight of the orangutan was particularly informative. It is truly regrettable that there should be a black market buying and selling this gentle creature.

No temporary gain, financial or otherwise, can ever outweigh the importance of preserving the orangutan in its natural surroundings. If this and other endangered species should die out as a result of man's selfish or shortsighted actions, or lack of action, it will be an irretrievable loss. The incredible diversity of nature must be preserved for posterity.

May all responsible parties redouble their efforts to protect the orangutan and its natural jungle habitat in Sumatra and Kalimantan, and to eliminate illegal burning of tropical forests and the hunting or trading of protected animals.

