Fri, 01 Jun 2001

Pro Gus Dur demo passes off peacefully

JAKARTA (JP): Thousands of supporters of President Abdurrahman Wahid, who had protested in front of the House a day earlier, assembled in front of the Presidential Palace in Central Jakarta on Thursday to pledge their allegiance.

Some 3,000 of the President's supporters started to arrive in the morning at the National Monument (Monas) parking area in front of the Palace during the morning after leaving their accommodation at the Pondok Gede haj pilgrimage dormitories in East Jakarta.

They began to move toward the palace at about 2:50 p.m., immediately after the President arrived there after attending the G-15 summit.

Security personnel kept a close eye and were equipped with batons and shields. Police officers of the Perintis (Pioneer) unit formed a line and at one point stood face-to-face with oncoming demonstrators.

Behind the Perintis line was another line of police from the Mobile Brigade unit and behind them were Army infantry.

The President, though, did not show up to address his die-hard supporters as expected.

There were reports that the President was slated to be joined by Rachmawati Soekarnoputri, Megawati Soekarnoputri's sister.

During the rally, demonstrators reiterated their demands that the President immediately issue a decree to dissolve the House of Representatives and ban Golkar.

The supporters then announced a self-proclaimed popular decree to carry out their demands, as well as rejecting the special session of the People's Consultative Assembly.

"We insist the President issue a decree this evening at the latest," a loyal supporter said through a microphone.

"We also want the government to arrest political provocateurs for having caused instability, especially (Assembly speaker) Amien Rais who covets the presidency," he added.

Meanwhile, the leader of a so-called die-hard force, Nuril Arifin, expressed his hatred toward New Order forces blaming them for the recent domestic turmoil.

At about 6 p.m., the crowd's leaders decided to end the rally and ordered their followers to return to the haj dormitories. However, they pledged to continue their actions on Friday.

As demonstrators left, many amiably shook hands with police officers.

The rally in front of the palace was the only major political rally seen around the capital on Thursday and their departure at dusk closed another relatively peaceful day in the capital.

The demonstration itself did not cause major traffic problems despite authorities having to cordon off Jl. Medan Merdeka Utara. (nvn)