Thu, 15 Dec 1994

Private sector and poverty

President Soeharto proposed this week that employees of private companies set aside part of their wages to help the poor. This kind of contribution is not a new thing to civil servants.

Judging from the generally better wages received by employees in the private sector, the proposal does not sound unrealistic.

If the proposal turns into reality, still it will be a minuscule contribution to the poor now numbering 27 million people. But, quantity is not the issue here. What counts is solidarity to help the destitute.

Again, if the proposal is accepted by the private sector, the first task to be set in motion is to look for a professional body to manage the fund.

Experience shows that it is often difficult to control a fund of this nature, for example, contributions for victims of natural disasters or even the government-sponsored aid for poor villages.

If the management of the fund is professional, contributors to the fund will be satisfied. For them, it is important that their contributions will reach the right target.

-- Republika, Jakarta