Wed, 03 Jul 1996

Prison island opens for tourits

CILACAP, Central Java: Nusakambangan, feared as a dreaded prison island where hardcore criminals are locked up, was officially opened to tourists over the weekend.

Unlike other tourist attraction, Nusakambangan is "special" in that visitors get an escort from the local justice ministry office. Visitors have to come in groups.

Coordinating Minister for Political Affairs and Security Gen. (ret.) Soesilo Soedarman said the government will retain the island's function as a high security prison.

"There must be clear-cut boundaries between the prison complex and those areas used by tourists," Soesilo said, seeing off the first group of tourists from Intan port to Nusakambangan.

On Saturday, Soesilo, Minister of Post, Tourism and Telecommunication Joop Ave, Central Java governor Soewardi Director General for Correctional Institution Thahir Abdullah signed a memorandum of agreement on the tourism development.

Under the agreement, the project will have a three-year probational phase. It will go ahead if the project is profitable and poses no threat to security.

Nusakambangan's main attraction is its beautiful beaches, washed by the waves of the Indian Ocean.

The ministry of justice has a 50 percent stake in the project, the provincial government 20 percent and the Cilacap regency government 30 percent.

Joop said many entrepreneurs have been keen to build hotels on the island to support the project but the government will not allow private investors to come in until the prospects are clear.

"If the probation period passed off successfully, investors may build hotels on the beaches like they do in Bali," he said.

The government allows floating restaurants on Segara Anakan beach. Cilacap regency is also planning to build sky-lifts that will allow tourists to enjoy the island's beaches and prisons from the air. (wah/pan)