Prince of Wales
I would like to respectfully address this letter to Mr. Robin Christopher, the British ambassador to Indonesia. Many Indonesians and I feel grateful, proud and touched from the statement of sympathy and thanks which you addressed to the people of Indonesia on the death of Princess Diana in The Jakarta Post some time ago.
Your statement also thanked people on behalf of the Prince of Wales. However, I believe this was done only to honor the monarchy and the queen and not Prince Charles personally.
The Prince of Wales and his followers must be happy with the "disappearance" of Diana from the public eye. He will now be more free to appear with Camilla in public. Charles had deceived his wife to maintain his status and had deceived the church and God by having an illegal relationship with another man's wife.
Charles, who holds the highest post in the British royal navy, not only embarrassed but showed disrespect for Camilla's husband -- one of his subordinates in the armed forces -- by continuing his relationship with Camilla.
These circumstances allowed Camilla to dare to divorce her husband and leave their children.
Is this not an act of extreme cruelty and embarrassment for the queen of Britain which at one time had ruled and colonized almost half of the world? Or has the monarchy returned to its old way of thinking that "the king can do no wrong"? I believe that Charles should definitely not become king.