Fri, 05 Jul 1996

President ratifies Aussie-RI security pact

JAKARTA (JP): President Soeharto has ratified, by decree, Australia's and Indonesia's agreement on maintaining security.

The No. 50/1996 decree was made available to the press yesterday, although it is dated June 24, 1996.

Indonesia and Australia improved their already close relationship when both foreign ministers signed the agreement on maintaining security on Dec. 18, 1995.

The signing was witnessed by President Soeharto and then Prime Minister Paul Keating.

The Presidential decree states, "the strong engagement in ties between the Republic of Indonesia and Australia will help establish regional peace and stability which is important for the implementation of national development."

It also states that the agreement gives a strong foundation for quick and direct consultation between ministers of the two countries on issues which effect mutual security.

The treaty, which had been negotiated in great secrecy by Jakarta and Canberra, came as a shock to many.

Under the treaty both sides agreed to regular ministerial level consultation.

The treaty also stipulates that both sides will consult each other should there be challenges to their common security interests, and could, if necessary, consider joint action.

A new Australian government, headed by Prime Minister John Howard, was elected in March 1996. It has expressed continued support for the treaty which its predecessor created. (mds)