Sun, 30 Sep 2001

Portrait of a room, 00

There lies inside the soul
A piece of silver mirror
On cracked walls
Memory forms like a puddle
Emotion in turmoil
The plaited work and painting of blood
Color changes
Only in a wink
And then the shape
How enchanting when we seize
The blink of an eye stealing a secret
Lying hidden yonder
Somewhere in a corridor

Dance of a room, 00

Millions of flowers
Are dancing in the soul
Disturbing every second
Ready for picking

In their vast expanse
Your muteness never misses a hello

Your dark shadow is always greeted
Your restless face comforted
Your nervous steps accompanied

Yogyakarta, 2001

-- Jamalullathifa A. Saptono

-- Translated by Lie Hua