Fri, 10 Sep 1999

Portentous date passes uneventfully

YOGYAKARTA (JP): The dreaded date of 9-9-1999 passed on Thursday without much calamity thanks to, according to some, traditional exorcism rituals performed in several places across the country.

A gathering of the traditional community leaders here held a special ritual, commonly known as Ruwatan Bangsa, on Wednesday night to ward off any evil that may befall the nation on that notorious date.

GBPH Yudhaningrat, younger brother of Yogyakarta's Sultan Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, explained that in Javanese tradition the number nine is known as the "highest" number.

A combination of five nines, he said, needs to be solemnized.

Ruwat rituals are usually held by performing an all-night shadow puppet show (wayang) which is thought to be able to exorcise evil.

"High culture shows that we are highly civilized," Yudhaningrat exclaimed.

Meanwhile in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara, Antara reported that the usually crowded local markets in Ampenan, Cakranegara and Bertais were strangely quiet on Thursday morning.

The streets and markets are normally bustling from 6 a.m.

A sense of paranoia hung over city with rumors that Armageddon would occur on Thursday at the ninth second of the ninth minute of the ninth hour.

To the relief of many, nothing happened.

Many vendors admitted that they believed something might happen, and said that it was more than mere hysteria.

A mother seen shopping later in the day admitted that she had stocked up on food supplies for two days.

"Just in case," remarked Mrs. Mawardi shyly. (swa)