Mon, 30 Sep 1996

PON funds

From Neraca

Long before the Games started, donations from the public were collected to ensure its success. This was done in various ways -- added to cinema and plane tickets, telephone and electricity bills, and even to the fees for getting vehicle documents.

Donations from cinema 21 viewers, air passengers, or telephone owners might not be a burden to them, and may indeed be hardly noticeable to them. Their complaints might disappear as soon as they board the plane, or watch an interesting film. After all they belong to the middle class. But in the case of electricity bills, common people were also affected.

It is surprising that the funds collected are said to have been insufficient to cover the expenses of the National Games. The shortage is a fantastic Rp. 2,5 billion.

Is it true that the funds are short? Or could it be that the collectors are holding the money back? And how does the public know that the donations really went to PON?

