Wed, 10 Apr 2002


Politicians' behavior

From Kompas

The behavior of politicians in the House of Representatives/People's Consultative Assembly (MPR/DPR) should arouse the nation's grave concern.

Almost none of them are of good character, and remain consistent in pursuit of their own interests.

The public is, in fact, sick of their conduct. But they always claim to act in the name of the people, from whom their salaries originate.

When Soeharto was Indonesia's president and chief patron of the Functional Group (Golkar), criticism had already been aroused against him for holding both jobs.

In the time since, politicians occupying executive and legislative posts at the same time have firmly refused to resign from either one of them.

Equally tragic is the case of human rights (HAM) violations involving high-ranking military officers.

If the case of Semanggi I and II continues to be unresolved, what about the dead and injured in Ambon? Who is to be held responsible for them? No one?

Is one life lost in Ambon less worthy than one in Java? While there were dozens of victims of Semanggi I and II, thousands have perished in Ambon. The Ambon case should have prompted the formation of hundreds of inquiry teams and HAM violation investigating committees.

What will become of our country if serious cases are left unsettled? Today's politicians even do not know how to make a choice between a political solution and a legal settlement of cases. This is not speaking of using their conscience.

It seems that they need to learn from history. Or perhaps are they no longer capable of learning?

If so, they should just step down and allow others -- people with some conscience -- to fill their shoes.

