Wed, 27 Apr 2005

Police to join new illegal logging team

JAKARTA: The National Police said on Tuesday they will submit four names to the Military Police chief as members of a joint team that will handle illegal logging cases.

The government plans to set up the team to deal with legal procedures for illegal logging trials since most suspects came from different backgrounds, including police and military personnel and civil servants, and different procedures are required in handling their cases.

National Police spokesman Insp. Gen. Aryanto Boedihardjo said the four proposed officers were Sr. Comr. Alpiner Sinaga, Adj. Sr. Comr. Yerrit Maryono, Comr. Yafit Parembang and Adj. Comr. Mugiyono -- all investigators of the special crimes division at the National Police Headquarters.

The four officers will assist other team members from the Attorney General's Office and the Indonesian Military. Military Police deputy chief Brig. Gen. Hendardji will reportedly lead the team. -- JP