Mon, 08 Jul 1996

Police to guard tourists

BANYUMAS, Central Java: The Banyumas police office is preparing a troop of police to be posted at the Nusakambangan prison island which was opened as a tourists' destination last month.

Around 50 police personnel will be stationed at the prison island to ensure visitors' safety. Many hardcore criminals are incarcerated at the island, a number of whom have been released and are employed at the prison's garden and rice fields.

"Chief of the Central Java Provincial Police May. Gen. Harimas A.S. received the order from the National Police headquarters to prepare the troop," Chief of the Banyumas Police Col. Bambang Munarso told The Jakarta Post over the weekend.

According to Bambang, the police will take turns making their rounds.

Coordinating Minister for Political Affairs and Security gen. (ret.) Soesilo Soedarman said the government will retain the island's function as a high security prison.

The project will have a three-year probational phase. It will go ahead if the project is profitable and poses no threat to security.

Several investors have expressed interests to the Cilacap's city administration and the Ministry of Justice provincial office to open floating restaurants around the island. (wah/14)