Tue, 21 Jan 2003

Police name two more suspects in Bali bombings

The Jakarta Post, Jakarta/Bali

The police have named two more suspects in the Oct. 12 Bali blasts, though of all the suspects named so far two are assumed to have died in the attack.

Chief investigator Insp. Gen. I Made Mangku Pastika said in Jakarta on Monday that the two new suspects were identified as Zulkifli Marzuki, a Malaysian citizen, and Jim, who is believed to have been killed during the bombings.

The new suspects were named based on the results of the police investigation into key suspect Ali Imron, who along with 14 other people was arrested on a remote island off the coast of East Kalimantan early last week.

Pastika said that according to Ali's statements to interrogators, Zulkifli, a secretary of Jamaah Islamiyah (JI), attended a meeting in Bangkok in February 2002 to discuss possible bombings in Singapore and Indonesia.

Attending the meeting were a number of JI leaders, including main Bali bombing suspects Hambali, who is still at large, Ali's older brother Mukhlas and three Malaysians -- Azhari, Noordin Moch. Top and Wan Min bin Wan Mat. Wan Min has been detained by Malaysian authorities while the two other Malaysian suspects remain at large.

"Ali also confessed that there was a close relation between the Bali bombing perpetrators and the JI network," he said at the ASEAN workshop on combating terrorism in Jakarta.

Pastika said that Ali also revealed that Jim drove the L-300 van that exploded outside the Sari Club.

"Ali Imron said that he drove the car to the T-junction of Jl. Legian in Kuta and handed over it to Jim for the attack," Pastika said.

He also said that based on Ali's account, neither Jim nor Muhammad Iqbal, who is also believed to have died in the attack, could be called suicide bombers because both were killed unintentionally when the bombs went off.

So far, the police have arrested some 30 people who were allegedly involved in the deadly blasts at Paddy's Cafe, the Sari Club and Renon. The attacks killed almost 200 people and injured more than 320 others.

Of the 30, five are being held as main suspects and 21 are being held as accomplice. The status of the other four is unclear. The police are still looking for nine other suspects, including Dulmatin and Idris, who are believed to have detonated the bombs with cellular phones.

The police are expected to resubmit to the prosecutor's office in Denpasar the dossier on Amrozi this week. The dossier was returned last week for administrative matters.

Meanwhile, Abdul Salam, one of the 15 people arrested in East Kalimantan last week, was transferred from Denpasar on Monday because there was insufficient evidence that he helped the fugitives Ali and Hutomo Pamungkas.

The spokesman for the team investigating the Bali bombing, Zainuri Lubis, said Abdul Salam was being transferred to East Java, where the police would question him about allegations he helped hide firearms belonging to Ali Imron.

He also said that Hamzah Baya, alias Sholeh, another suspect in the bombing, had malaria and was being held in isolation at Trijaya Hospital in Denpasar.

Zainuri said not all of the suspects from East Kalimantan knew each other, and some of them met for the first time after they were arrested.

He said the police would reconstruct the bombing after the Australian Federal Police (AFP) and the National Police Headquarters completed their forensic investigation into residue found at a house on Jl. Menjangan in Denpasar that was rented by the suspects.

Zainuri predicted that the results of the forensic investigation would be released on Friday.

AFP field commander Scott Lee said tests on the residue would help the police identify the type of explosives the bombers used.