Mon, 08 Dec 2003

Police interrogate 3 RMS suspects

AMBON, Maluku: Police are interrogating three people suspected of hoisting the flag of the separatist Republic of South Maluku (RMS) here in Batugantung.

According to Ambon Police chief Adj. Comr. Teguh Budi Prasojo, three suspects hoisted the flag at noon on Friday at a house in Batugantung.

"Police are intensively questioning them to find out the motive, and to determine who was the mastermind of the flag- hoisting," Teguh said on Saturday.

Police also confiscated the flag.

"Hoisting a flag other than that of the Indonesian nation, such as the RMS flag, is considered an act of rebellion and punishable by law," said Teguh.

The RMS staged a revolt after Indonesian independence, but it was curbed by the Indonesian Military. Some Ambon residents tried to revive the movement in the late 1990s, but the authorities crushed it. -- Antara