Mon, 18 Apr 1994

Police decline Kopassus help in Jakarta 'cleansing'

JAKARTA (JP): Jakarta Military Chief Maj. Gen. Hendroprijono has politely turned down an offer from Kopassus, the Army's most fearsome unit, to help fight crime in the city.

"There is no need to call on the Kopassus in the current operation to crack down on criminals here," Hendro told reporters on Saturday when he attended the force's 42nd anniversary ceremony in its headquarters in Cijantung, East Jakarta.

On a separate occasion, Minister of Defense and Security Gen. (ret) Edi Sudradjat, who is former Kopassus, also said that the police should spearhead any campaign against crime.

"If they need help, then why not," the retired general said when asked to comment on the use of the red-beret elite force.

"The offer was made out of solidarity," he added.

Kopassus commander Brig. Gen. Agum Gumelar last week offered his force to help with the Operation Cleansing, a major campaign involving 16,700 officers to fight crime in Jakarta. This operation was put into effect by Hendro last week.

The offer came in the wake of a series of brutal murders in Jakarta, including the killing of one of Kopassus's former top officers, Brig. Gen. T.M.F. Tampubolon, near his home in East Jakarta early this month.

Hendro denied that Agum's offer had anything to do with the killing of Tampubolon, pointing out the four men suspected for the crime had already been apprehended and were now being processed by the police.

Hendro said every suspect netted during the operation would be processed in accordance with the law.

The massive operation targets areas and spots most vulnerable and notorious for crimes, including public buses, markets and supermarkets.(rms)

Kopassus -- Page 2

Murderers -- Page 3