Tue, 25 Mar 2003

Police arrest five robbers

MAKASSAR, South Sulawesi: Police in Bone regency arrested five of seven robbers who stole Rp 50 million (about US$5,600) from a Bank Mandiri customer in Kendari Southeast Sulawesi, a police officer said on Monday.

The Saturday arrest followed a tip off from the Kendari police about the escape of six of the robbers, said Bone chief detective First Insp. Zainuddin Abbas.

The seventh robber was already caught in Kendari where he told the police about the escape plans of the other six. It was not clear when the robbery took place.

Police in Bone arrested the five at the Bajoe port where they arrived on a ferry from the Southeast Sulawesi town of Kolaka.

The sixth member got away, Zainuddin said. He suspected the escaped robber was hiding in his home town in the Gowa regency in South Sulawesi.

He said two of the five captured members were women from Kendari. Their three accomplices were residents of Makassar. -- Antara