Plywood prices
In your edition of Saturday, Aug. 12, 1995, in the Business Column entitled Plywood exports tumble due to declining prices, among others you wrote that "Tjipto said that APKINDO spent a large amount of money to cooperate with the Mexicans," ...etc.
Without any further elaboration, we are afraid that it could mislead and create negative interpretation among the readers. To put the issue in the proper position, therefore, allow us to clarify that the above mentioned statement of Mr. Tjipto is solely meant and based on the fact that APKINDO really spent a large amount of money for the following purposes:
* Hiring local lawyers
* Hiring supporting lawyers from White & Case USA
* Cost dispatching our delegates to Mexico for public hearing and cost for our team in preparing relevant supporting documents and data since 1993.
* Other general expenses
On the other hand, it is a reality too, that in facing the accusation, APKINDO is supported by Comer Forest, the Mexican Importers Association, because they are also accused of the same allegations of dumping prices.
Deputy Executive President
Indonesian Wood Panel Association