Sat, 30 Sep 1995

Pluit Authority privatized

JAKARTA (JP): Governor Surjadi Soedirdja has approved a proposal to change the legal status of the Pluit Authority into a limited liability company called PT Pluit Usaha Jaya.

The decision will enable the authority to become independent and increase its contribution to the city's coffers.

Surjadi said the city administration will continue to control the company and urged it to cooperate closely with other city agencies, especially on land reclamation projects.

An official of PT Pluit Usaha Jaya Darundono said they will start building office buildings, hotels, apartments, warehouses and shopping centers in Muara Karang and Pluit in North Jakarta.

He said his company is currently auditing its properties, which in 1994 were valued at Rp 69.9 billion (US$31.77 million) with their total contribution to city revenues amounting to Rp 570 million.

The properties included 30 apartment blocks in Pluit Timur, shop/houses, tennis courts, office buildings and parking lots.(yns)