Fri, 04 Jul 1997

Plagiarism in journalism

I would like to comment on your story titled U.S. experts say plagiarism rampant in RI journalism (July 2).

The Jakarta Post reported that Fulbright Professor Alios Klement said she was concerned by the way many Indonesian media organizations shamelessly plagiarized whole or partial editorial material and photographs from foreign and local media.

As a moderator of the discussion, I testify that both the headline and the above reference attributed to Klement are totally unfounded.

Prof. Klement's presentation was solely and entirely on plagiarism in the American press. The discussion topic was Plagiarism in the Press in America and Indonesia. Co-speaker Prof. Loebby Loqman presented the Indonesian experience.

Prof. Klement's only mention of plagiarism in Indonesia arose in a question from her. She asked journalists if they could share any knowledge they have about plagiarism practiced in the local press.

One reporter said a journalist of a local media organization used material from an overseas magazine and the editor did not take action against the journalist.

No participant denied the observation that editors here often overlook acts of plagiarism although it is empathically prohibited in article 13 of the Code of Ethics of the Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI).

Throughout that particular exchange on plagiarism in the Indonesian press, Prof. Klement listened with earnest but did not once offer any judgmental comment.

Hopefully this clarification sets the record straight.


Dr. Soetomo Press Institute
