Thu, 02 Oct 1997

Pigs' stroll stops Wamena flights

WAMENA, Irian Jaya: Four airlines have threatened to stop services to Wamena, Jayawijaya, due to safety concerns with locals and pigs often found scurrying around the landing strip.

Wamena Airport chief Matius Papare said authorities would do their best to allay the four airlines' concerns by using a police vehicle to keep locals off the strip and scare away the pigs.

Antara reported the four airlines threatening to suspend services are Mission Aviation Fellowship, Merpati, Trigana and Air Fast.

"Many children and residents cross the airstrip to get to school or the nearby market," Matius said.

He explained that a fence had been built around the airport to keep wild animals out, but the fence was often wrecked by locals, who took the wood. Sometimes in the dry season, the fence would catch fire.

There are about 80 landings and departures daily at the airport. (mds)