Thu, 26 Nov 1998

Photo exhibition at Plaza Menteng

JAKARTA (JP): Two of the few Indonesian professional photographers, Kayus Mulia and Eky Tandyo, are displaying 44 of their works in a two-week exhibition beginning Wednesday at Cahya photo gallery in Plaza Menteng in Central Jakarta.

Cahya manager Fransiskus Xaverius Ratkocodomo announced that the exhibition on the second floor of the plaza on Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto would be opened to the public until Dec. 7, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day.

"In the midst of the ongoing economic crisis, they try to keep on working to create art," Ratkocodomo said Wednesday.

Giving no explanation of Tandyo's works, he said that Kayus' black-and-white photos in the exhibition "are his personal, non- commercial collection -- and more of a self-expression".

The exhibition was officially opened last night. (bsr)