Mon, 22 Aug 2005

Pertamina develops biodiesel fuel

JAKARTA: State-run oil and gas company Pertamina is developing biodiesel as an alternative fuel from jarak pagar (Jatropha curcas) tree oil, which is expected to be able to reduce fuel consumption at home by up to 100,000 barrel a day.

In a press release provided on Thursday, the company's chief executive officer Widya Purnama said that in the initial stage the company was planting the tree on some three hectares of land, and was working with the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) and PT Rekayasa Industri industrial engineering firm to develop the alternative fuel.

With the seed price of only Rp 400 to Rp 500 per kilogram, the biodiesel fuel from jarak pagar is expected to be sold for between Rp 2,000 (US$0.2) and Rp 2,500 per liter. The price is no cheaper than regular gasoline, but biodiesel is more environmentally friendly and has a higher octane level, which helps engine performance.

"We urge farmers to plant the jarak tree to increase their revenue as well as creating more job opportunities," Widya said. -- JP