Sat, 20 Jul 1996

Perspective members get computer assistance

JAKARTA (JP): In an effort to keep up with the rapid pace of technological development, two prospective members of ASEAN, Cambodia and Laos, were presented with computer equipment yesterday.

In separate ceremonies at the ASEAN Secretariat, Digital Equipment's vice-president for the ASEAN region, Graham Long, presented the computers to Cambodian Foreign Minister Ung Huot and Laotian Foreign Minister Somsavat Lengsavad.

Each country were given a client server system comprising 30 personal computers. One client server is valued at US$200,000.

ASEAN Secretary-General Dato' Ajit Singh pointed out that rapid communications is essential and with the advent of the ASEAN Homepage on the Internet, the computers will allow Cambodia and Myanmar to remain in constant touch with the secretariat and other members.

"It will also enable the two countries to keep abreast with developments in ASEAN," he said.

Cambodia and Laos currently hold observer status in the seven- member association and are expected to become full members next year.

The presentation of computers was a result of discussions by the secretary-general to explore ways to assist new members to upgrade their information technology.

Digital's Graham Long said the current package is merely the first step in the company's efforts to contribute to the development of information technology of the two countries.

"We will explore other means to contribute further to this development with other relevant programs to facilitate technological transfer," he said.

Cambodian Foreign Minister Ung Huot at the presentation expressed his gratitude at the assistance.

"I'm very sure that Cambodia will leapfrog with the latest technology and join ASEAN as equal partners," he said.(mds)