Wed, 10 Oct 2001

Pelni ships avoid Baubau port

KENDARI, Southeast Sulawesi: Passenger ships of state shipping company PT Pelni are skipping Murhum Baubau port in Southeast Sulawesi to avoid nonpaying passengers from boarding.

Nasrul Gaus, head of PT Pelni in Baubau, said that security was not guaranteed at the port. "Apart from passengers without tickets, many people boarding at Baubau port have made trouble on board. This shows that the handling of passengers has been very poor there."

"Once the ship crew found 611 passengers without tickets. They got angry when the crew asked them for their tickets," he said.

"The Lambelu vessel has skipped the port twice. The crew said they would not stop at Baubau until security is guaranteed. Other Pelni vessels will also skip Baubau, and people will find it increasingly difficult to get sea transportation," Nasrul said.

Other Pelni ships which usually stop at Baubau are the Rinjani, Ciremai, Kelimutu, Tatamailau, Tilongkabila and Bukit Siguntang.