Sat, 09 Nov 1996

Pelita Harapan gives scholarships

JAKARTA (JP): Six thousand needy children will get scholarships for nine years from the Pelita Harapan Education Foundation (YPPH).

An agreement to provide Rp 4.24 billion (US$1.8 million) was signed by foundation chairman Johannes Oentoro and the executive chairperson of the National Foster Parent Drive Committee, Halimah Bambang Trihatmodjo at the Jakarta Hilton International hotel Thursday evening.

The lucky children are from Bogor, Tangerang, Bekasi and areas in Ujungpandang and Irian Jaya.

From 1993 to June this year the foundation has provided Rp 4.25 billion for foster parent and other charity programs.

Also present was James T. Riady, vice-chairman of the Lippo Group which owns the Foundation. (anr)