Sat, 23 Apr 2005

Pedicabs sign off for Rp 20,000

Bandung pedicab (becak) drivers have signed a contract agreeing not to operate in the general vicinity of the Merdeka Building -- the venue of the Asian-African Commemorative Summit -- during the runup to and the day of the event.

The "Memorandum of Understanding" with the city secretary (sekwilda) was reportedly signed by some 3,000 becak drivers on behalf of the estimated 23,000 pedicabs operating in the West Java capital.

In compensation, drivers of the popular, three-wheelers were each given Rp 20,000 and a T-shirt. Despite the agreement, a few "noncomformist" pedicabs were still to be seen near Jl. Naripan and Jl. Braga Streets on Thursday evening. -- JP