Mon, 10 Oct 1994

PDI officials resent governor

SURABAYA, East Java: The local government's refusal to recognize the newly appointed chief of the local chapter of the Indonesian Democratic Party (PDI) has sparked resentment among party activists.

About 40 local PDI leaders plan to meet governor Basofi Sudirman to question his refusal to inaugurate Sutjipto as the new provincial party chairman last week, Antara reported yesterday.

Sutjipto's installation was canceled after the government, which supports the candidacy of his arch rival Latief Pudjosakti, did not issue the necessary permit for the ceremony.

Officials said the party should resolve the chairmanship rift before it decides who to recognize.

The deposed Latief has set up a rival leadership board and rejected Sutjipto's appointment by the party's central executive board. (pan)