Wed, 11 Apr 2001

PBSI moves Indonesia Open to Jakarta

JAKARTA (JP): The Badminton Association of Indonesia (PBSI) has decided to move the US$170,000 Sanyo Indonesia Open from Surabaya to Jakarta due to reasons of security and sponsorship.

"Sanyo, as the main sponsor of the event, had requested PBSI to relocate the event from Surabaya to Jakarta because the company decided to focus its marketing campaign here," PBSI secretary general Leo Chandra Wiranata told reporters on Tuesday.

"Sanyo also implied that it was better to stage the event here considering the current security situation."

The five-star annual championships were scheduled to take place in the Sudirman and Kertajaya sports stadiums in Surabaya from July 23 to July 29.

Leo admitted that PBSI was in a dilemma before taking the decision to move the event from Surabaya.

"PBSI policy is to stage major badminton events outside Jakarta in an effort to promote the sport in other big cities. We had reached a decision in negotiations with Sanyo that this year the Indonesia Open will go to Surabaya but they changed it."

"Surabaya has never hosted the Indonesia Open although the city has all the facilities required for such a big event. Besides Jakarta, Denpasar and Medan, North Sumatra, have also hosted the event.

"Banjarmasin (South Kalimantan), Pontianak (West Kalimantan) and Semarang are other strong possible venues as they have all the required facilities. However, in spite of that, it was decided the event should be staged in Jakarta."

Leo also said it was difficult to find other sponsors to host the event in Surabaya.

"It is almost impossible to find sponsors who are willing to provide a large amount of sponsorship money with such short notice."

Antara news agency reported that chairman of PBSI's East Java chapter, Suparjono, was very disappointed with the decision.

"PBSI itself selected Surabaya in March. The East Java chapter set up a local organizing committee after they learned of the decision. We have also renovated Sudirman and Kertajaya Sports Stadiums which will host the qualifying and main rounds," he said.

"But if it is the sponsor's request, what can we do?"

Suparjono also denied that security reasons were a major concern for the relocation as Surabaya is quite safe.

"I've been told that the sponsor was worried about the influx of Madurese refugees in Surabaya," he said.

"As a matter of fact, the refugees pose a minimal threat to security because they are just passing Surabaya before continuing their journey to Madura."

"Jakarta actually has bigger problems because there are demonstrations almost every day."

In a separate development, PBSI announced new members of the talent scouting team for the year 2001. Tahir Djide will be the team advisor, Hadi Nazri will chair the team and former world champion Icuk Sugiarto will act as secretary.

The team members are Nana Sudjana, Ivana Lie, Lius Pongoh, Retno Kustiyah, Yacob Rusdianto and Mohammad Anwari.

PBSI has set up a new team assigned to revise requirements for shuttlers to be admitted to the Indonesian Badminton Center (PBI).

Juniarto Suhandinata chairs the team while Ivana Lie is team secretary. The members are Mohammad Anwari, Yacob Rusdianto, Tahir Djide, Hadi Nazri, and Ridwan Sumardjo. (nvn)