Sun, 10 Jun 2001


Patience takes you to the path of perfection
Perfection takes you to the path of progression
Progression takes you to the path of succession
Succession takes you to the path of higher gradation

Gradation helps you to receive reputation
Reputation raises you to higher position
To achieve everything to the point of excellence
Take the greatest force called forbearance

--By Rama Krishnan


Prayers full of love and love full of prayers
a mother bestows on her sons and daughters.
Pure affection she pours out on them continually.
She forgets about herself, sacrifices herself, sacrifices herself
She is only happy if they are happy.
That is what a mother is like.

And then suddenly, filled with wonder,
she realizes that formerly her own mother
must have untiringly lifted her face up
in prayer for her, too.

-- By Djoeweriah Poerwo Soedarmo