Thu, 31 May 2001

Parents of PRD chief escape blast

BOGOR (JP): A bomb exploded at the house of the parents of Budiman Sudjatmiko, chairman of the People's Democratic Party (PRD), here on Wednesday morning.

Rahman, chief of the neighborhood security unit in Sukaresmi subdistrict, Tanah Sereal district, said that the blast occurred at about 2 a.m. in the house of Wartono Karyo Utomo and Sri Sulastri. No injuries were reported.

Several residents on neighborhood patrol went directly to the house upon hearing the explosion, which they thought could have been a firecracker.

The owners of the house, who surprisingly said they heard nothing, were shocked upon seeing the smoke and smelling the strong scent of sulfur.

Sulastri said that on Sunday two people went to the house and asked about Budiman's address, and whether it was true that he lived in Sukapermai.

"I told them that Sukapermai did not exist. It is Sukaresmi, and that I am Budiman's mother," she said. (21)