Mon, 08 Jul 1996

PAM to develop ready-to-drink water

JAKARTA (JP): City-owned water company PAM Jaya plans to provide consumers with ready-to-drink water its in efforts to improve services to the public.

The head of the potable water team, Agus Tabrani, said over the weekend that during its first stage, potable water will only be made available to victims of natural disasters.

"The water will be distributed to areas which have been ravaged by floods, fires or other natural disasters. Hopefully, the service will be able to help them," Tabrani said.

As the pilot project, he said, PAM Jaya distributed ready-to- drink water to 30,000 participants of the National Scouts Jamboree in Cibubur, East Jakarta, which was held from June 26 to July 4.

Tabrani said the company operated a mobile clean water treatment machine, which can produce eight cubic meters per hour, in the camping ground. He said tap water is processed into ready- to-drink water in the treatment machine.

"With such a machine, the scouts can drink water straight from the taps," he said.

Tabrani said that the water has been checked by the Ministry of Health's laboratory and is officially certified, meeting the hygiene requirements set by Minister of Health Decree No. 416/1990.

He added that laboratory officers checked the water every hour to make sure that the quality of the potable water was good. (yns)