Wed, 25 Jun 1997

Oven issue still warm

I would like to apologize to PT Indomo Prima for not responding sooner to their letter Reducing the heat over stove issue (June 7), as I was out of town.

The customer service center seems to have missed the point of my complaint entirely. It is not a matter of the equipment I purchased, but the bad attitude and service we received from the company personnel. In fact, the gas range works quite well, and I am satisfied with the product.

First, I would like to respond to the statements you made in The Jakarta Post.

1. I was never made aware of the English version of the operation manual, and to this date I have not received a copy from your company. But why doesn't the Indonesian copy have the conversion tables printed in it?

2. I did not ask the company to buy a thermometer for me. I requested conversion numbers to covert the oven dial numbers of one to eight into temperature degrees Celsius. I know how to operate an oven, but I do expect the equipment to be tested before leaving the factory. The problem, as I stated before, was that I received four different sets of conversions numbers from the company personnel, and since they seemed to be confused, I asked the company to validate their equipment.

The company has not contacted me again. I called them again on June 5 and they said they would come to my house on June 6. The same technician came with all his tools, including an oven thermometer, and we tested the oven on each setting. This did not correspond to any of the tables I had previously received from Modena experts, but I am quite satisfied that what we experienced is correct. We have used the oven on several occasions since then with satisfactory results.


Medan, North Sumatra