From Media Indonesia
We the boards of the student senates of Kertanegara Colleges and Academies express our concern over the fate of our friends--students in Bandung, who joined the "Alliance of Youth and Students Movement of Bandung."
It is highly deplorable that in this era of openness there is a certain party who wants to block our common cause. We sincerely hope that those concerned and the youths that are grouped in the Social Youth Organization look at the demonstrations (by which the students express their aspirations) from the bottom of their hearts and not from the interest of a certain group or the power holder.
We call on the youth and students in Bandung in particular and in Indonesia in general, to be vigilant over the efforts to excite one against the other and benefit from the game.
Let us all think over what is really happening in this beloved country, and not to try to seek for legitimation for actions that harm the interest of the public.