Sat, 06 Jul 1996

On United Nations secretary-general

Mr. Buhari Abdu's response to my opinion on Boutros Boutros- Ghali (Letters, July 3) is proof of my original comment -- he offers an opinion only, just like myself, but appears to be suggesting the issue of whether Boutros-Ghali being offered a second term, is essentially racist.

To say that the Security Council is dominated by Caucasians adds nothing to Mr. Abdu's complaint about U.S. influence on the UN. All the major powers on the Council, with the exception of China, are Caucasian. Further, my understanding is that Ghali is likely to be supported for a second term by France, China and possibly Russia. My own country, the U.K. would, in normal circumstances, supports secretary-generals but, for domestic political reasons, can be expected to support any Washington veto on the reappointment.

The writer's use of "wisdom" (ability to use experience and knowledge to make sensible judgments) and then applying it to the last paragraph where he rants about World War I and World War II, in support of his opinion that Boutrous-Ghali will not be reappointed because he is African, is far too obtuse for me to follow.

Boutros Boutros-Ghali is widely perceived as totally uncommunicative, taking entrenched positions in "crisis" areas, supporting offensive rather than peacekeeping tasks, and incapable of setting in motion any reform.

This is the point where Mr. Abdu and I agree; the U.S. is largely to blame, by attempting to starve the UN into toeing the American line (and thereby shoring up Clinton's Republican support). This is the real issue: the U.S., not the nationality of Boutros-Ghali.

Coincidentally, the U.S. is also intent on vetoing NATO attempts at the much-needed reform to cope with the vastly changed political scenario in West and East Europe and Russia; the U.S. does not want to lose the traditional dominance of U.S generals in the organization.

Unfortunately, the editor exercised his editorial veto on my letter, or Mr. Abdu would have noted that I also highly praised the skills and competence of the world class leader and diplomat, President Mubarak, like Boutros-Ghali, is Egyptian (maybe the same as Mr. Abdu?).

