Sat, 17 Nov 2001

On the United Nations and rebuilding Afghanistan

The United Nations must insist on the next constitution in Afghanistan taking into consideration the country's multiethnic character and that it also becomes democratic, not only according to the principle one man, one vote. In a country that lacks a working state, the UN must take on the central function for a transitional period and assist both the administration and the police.

The UN must also contribute to the writing of history, cruelty for cruelty. This is a long process, which we know from the breaking up of Yugoslavia. It is possible to see a new dawn for Afghanistan. The hope for a better future is growing.

But the Taliban are not disarmed and Osama bin Laden is not arrested. The network has not been crushed. The terrorists are not defeated. The battle against terrorism does not end at the borders of Afghanistan. But of course, it feels as if the first military stage so far is a success.

-- Dagens Nyheter, Stockholm, Sweden