Tue, 09 Apr 2002

On RI's response to Israel

Disregarding the risk of drawing the ire of one esteemed letter writer a few weeks back who questioned whether The Jakarta Post's highly acclaimed bar reviewer, Bill Blade, "breakfasts on cliches", I thought it would be good to throw out a few of my own about the response here to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Henry David Thoreau be damned (I think it was he who once said any writer who resorts to a cliche is a failure).

Nonetheless, it seems to me that with all the major problems in this country, from an economy in shambles, to out of control corruption on all levels, one of the worst education systems in Asia, etc. etc. it just strikes me as extraordinarily preposterous, even irrational, that there are groups of energetic youths and students devoting so much of their precious time protesting against Israel (word to the wise, there ain't no Israelis 'round these parts).

It is somewhat commendable that they are willing to stand up and be counted on behalf of the Palestinians, but all their hootin', hollerin' and flag-burning ain't gonna amount to a hill o' beans as far as Indonesia is concerned. All hell could break loose over there, and for all intents and purposes is, but it won't affect Indonesia one little bitty iota, all the while this country is going to hell in handbasket in a New York minute.

These local youths with all this pent-up energy, really need to choose their battles wisely, they need to prioritize domestic needs and get their own house in order by putting their noses to the grindstone and biting the bullet to stamp out corruption in government, business and schools -- here!

Don't get me wrong, it's fine and dandy that the government comes out with an official statement against Israeli aggression, that is their right, but for even the top political and religious leaders to put so much energy and emotion into the issue is just misguided.

The local mosques should not be exhorting their flocks to go out en-masse in front of the U.S. embassy to protest against Israel, they should be telling them to go start small businesses which employ people, go become honest lawyers or policemen, or intelligent teachers with the guts to teach integrity and honesty to the youth of this country.

