Mon, 27 Dec 1999

On reporting about Africans

I have been dismayed with the consistently negative and racist bias you have in reporting about Africans in Indonesia.

For example, in the news item entitled Zimbabwean, Indonesian nabbed with heroin, published on Dec. 14, 1999 on your City page, you portray a negative image of Africans just because a guy from Zimbabwe was arrested on a drug-related offense. You quote an official as saying "If you look around now holding the arms of many African men are Indonesian girls ..." To me this is irresponsible reporting that tries to portray Africans as drug dealers who take advantage of innocent Indonesian girls.

I hope you understand the potential danger of such reckless reporting to many innocent Africans living and traveling in Indonesia and benefiting the country through export trade to their home countries.

I urge you to be objective and professional in your reporting about Africans in a style worthy of a paper such as yours.



Note: We agree that many Africans here have become good brothers to us. But police records since 1997 have revealed another story of some people from Ghana, Liberia and Nigeria. The week before last alone, Jakarta police detained at least two Africans -- a Zimbabwean and a Liberian, also for drug case. Much more, hotel and motel operators on Jl. Jaksa have reportedly closed their doors for any Africans, we repeat, Africans due to such image.

-- Editor