Sat, 13 Jul 1996

On public morality

Some months ago I wrote about Lech Walesa of Poland and Cory Aquino of the Philippines. Both stepped down from their positions decently and gracefully, leaving nothing but respect for their dedication and honesty. They ended their political careers as champions of democracy.

Now these three ladies -- Megawati, Cory Aquino and Aung San Suu Kyi -- have some similarities. First, they are housewives turned politicians. Second, these women became leaders because of the support of the people, and were not jockeyed into position. Third, these respected ladies have high moral values. Fourth, they are symbols for those who believe strongly in true democracy and fifth, they set a good example in terms of dedication and honesty.

What is now happening to both Megawati and Suu Kyi is being watched by friends and foes alike. Nobody can tell what will become of these two fine ladies. Once only a simple housewife, Megawati is now rising and gaining more popularity following the political maneuvers of the rival group within her party. She might be permanently dethroned by violence and political engineering -- but she will remain a symbol of true democracy.


Bogor, West Java