Thu, 23 Jan 1997

On pollution

For once I am able to agree with Mr. Ronci' (Jan. 22, 1997) when he suggests in his letter "... specialized teams responsible for controlling vehicles spitting 'clouds of poison'."

I have made this same suggestion twice in the Letters section, latterly about two years ago, when I proposed "antipollution commandos" to crack down on vehicles emitting black smoke from their exhausts. So his suggestion, while admirable in itself, is hardly original.

Indeed, I seem to recall reading a report in The Jakarta Post a few months ago that legislation was in the pipeline, due to become effective on Jan. 1, 1997, to establish just such antipollution squads as Mr. Ronci and I have suggested, in implementation of the Presidentially inspired "Blue skies" policy.

So, maybe we shall, this year, begin to see some lessening of the city's air pollution. Nous verrons!

