On monosodium glutamate
I am writing in response to Mr. Sunarto Prawirosujanto's letter (April 7, 1997).
Every time someone tries to promote healthy living and eating, there is bound to be someone else that is trying to put people to sleep regarding the dangers of certain food additives.
People that care for their health make it a point not to consume monosodium glutamate (MSG) or any other additives, as they can cause all kinds of problems, including headaches, diarrhea and seizures. And don't forget the well-known Chinese restaurant syndrome. Although MSG is used without warning in the entire world, restaurants should respect our wishes when we state that we do not want food cooked with MSG. This is especially true in the USA.
I would suggest that Mr. Sunarto read a few books on additives and what they do to the body, i.e. Safe Food: Eating Wisely in a Risky World by Michael Jacobson (Living Planet Press, 1991) or Unsafe at Any Meal by Earl Mindell (Warner Books, 1986).
Regarding the food at the Dusit, thumbs up for Chef Dominique. I did have the chance to taste some food at a seminar I attended there a few weeks ago, and I must say that it was delicious. I was not even aware at the time that everything was cooked without MSG. I should have known that, because after arriving home I did not have to quench my MSG thirst with a few glasses of water. Good cooking does not depend on additives, although many people think that they need to throw in MSG or similar products for a better taste.
Finally, I would like to say that our bodies will be very grateful, indeed, if we would take better care of them. We have to fight off enough pollution around us, so let us keep it as clean as possible from the inside and be the body's friend and not its foe.