Thu, 05 Apr 2001

On Goan beaches

I am both surprised and dismayed at the singular lack of discrimination The Jakarta Post displays in its choice of the article Go, go, goa-way, I yelled,..., under Travel in the Sunday, April 1, 2001 edition of the newspaper. This peevish piece is no more than a personal complaint and would have been more appropriate on the Opinion page, if at all worthy of publication.

The above mentioned article speaks hardly at all of Goa's dazzling, bone-white sands, frothy aquamarine oceans and tiny tranquil villages tucked away in palm-fronded retreats -- the reasons why Goa is one of the world's most sought after holiday destinations. You'd be extremely fortunate to find a place to stay every New Year as hordes of discriminating travelers head for Goa.

Its precisely the hedonistic pursuits of the kind perhaps sought after by the author of this unpalatable piece of writing that turned Goa beaches into a drug-ridden pedophile-infested haven in the 1970s and gave it a sordid reputation. Only a crack down by the authorities that has included a ban on overnight outdoor partying except by special permit has brought a turnabout to restore some of its former glory to Goa. I say good riddance to the trashy crowds that formerly came in droves and spawned pleasure-dens catering to pursuits banned in their home countries.

Last, a word of advice to Ms. Jennifer Coyle: You can hardly expect solitude if you frequent public beaches anywhere in the world. Next time I suggest you try a holiday resort in Margoa or Kalangute and see the difference!

